Welcome to Angels of Courage!
Your place for inspiration,
information, support and friends.
A place where you belong!

Angels of Courage is an online support community where people can log on at any time and chat with others about concerns, questions or any thoughts they have about childhood cancer. It is a gathering place for all who want to share or need support. Many families are too busy with caring for their loved ones, or confined in a hospital, therefore are lacking the ability to attend support groups elsewhere. 


  • Free to join
  • Network with other members
  • Live chat…any time
  • Join Now!Post your own story

You must be a registered member and logged in to enter our chat room, attend weekly meetings, or to post a story.

10/31/2011 – New article about Obama and cancer drugs under Cancer Topics.

10/20/2011 – New article about Childhood Cancer Statistics.