Brianna had a couple of visits today from her friends, teacher, and former health para. They all brought beautiful gifts and we are so grateful for the support! Her teacher, Miss Shoemaker brought cards for her from all of the kids in her class, and from the staff at Vassar Elementary along with many gifts/activities for her to do while at home. We are very touched by your thoughtfulness and Brianna said “Wow! I didn’t know people were so caring”! She has just finished reading all of her cards and is so surprised and happy!
Times like these are very difficult for the whole family, as we experienced before with her cancer. Support means more than you all may ever realize. Brianna is an extremely strong girl and will smile all the way through again but I am sure she gets some of her strength from the support she receives from family and friends. We thank you very much for being the wonderful people you are, and sharing it with us. Thanks!!!!!!!!
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